Originally it was meant for my Christian photography. But now I have found my artistic side. Where I will share and sell my paintings.



LOOKING TO GOD IN PRAYER ~ By Christian Author Elena Ramirez


BE KIND ~ By Christian Author Elena Ramirez

Red Blossoms of Love ~ By Christian Author Elena Ramirez

This one is for sale. Just message me.

THIS IS HOW YOU GET YOUR FAITH BACK ~ By Christian author Elena Ramirez

Version 2

Check out my main blog.  But did you know I wrote the book on how to have faith?

Check out this blog for more information.  Right now, I will be honest, I have no books to sell.  But I am waiting on God to open the door.

Blessings, and love,


Elena Ramirez



THIS IS WHO I AM IN CHRIST ~ By Christian Author Elena Ramirez




Check out my main blog.


TRUSTING GOD BRINGS BLESSINGS ~ By Christian Author Elena Ramirez


Check out my main blog…. http://elenasjustmythoughts.wordpress.com


ARE YOU ALLOWING DEMONS INTO YOUR LIFE? ~ By Christian Author Elena Ramirez

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Our Responsibility ~ By Christian Author Elena Ramirez



Feel free to comment, and share.  Please check out my main blog.  Do a search there. http://elenasjustmythoughts.wordpress.com


God bless you friends, He loves you.  If no one else tells you that today.  I will.


THE THINGS I FIGHT WITHIN ~ By Christian Author Elena Ramirez



fullsizeoutput_5b5Yesterday, I wrote, “Staying away from the wicked” and today, I just want to add, is that “Friends don’t let friends go into darkness.”

I admit, some spiritual things as a youth, and as even a young adult, I did not try to impress on anybody.  It seems like people do come up defensive, and argumentative concerning spiritual matters.  Some think, you should not talk politics or religion.  It is still that way, in many ways.  

Well, I have changed that adage in my own thinking concerning both.  We have to communicate.  The enemy wants us to shut up, but we do.  We have to be informed, we have to share with others our faith.  

We have to see, where we have made mistakes.  Its hard, to do.  Even for me, but I must try.   You see love, the love of Christ compels me.  Friends, we can make so many mistakes in our youth.  

This is where we set the standard for a lifetime.  This is where spiritual curses are generated.

And its not too late, to change.  Its not too late, to run to the throne of God, and to repent.  Its not.  As long as their is breath in us, we should do that.  

I want to impress you to be more vocal, more concerned about your friends, and family.  Watch what they are doing.  Don’t let them embrace darkness.  Yes, sometimes you cut ties off, but sometimes, if you love them as well, you warn them about such matters.  

Halloween could open that door, this is why we don’t think its innocent.  

For me, the people I cut off, were too deep in the darkness, they did not want to listen.  They consulted the dark spirits, they longed to see evil in movies, the books they read were evil. They kept doing “dark” things that set that alarm off in me.

So yes, I cut them off.  And I admit, sometimes I don’t want to fight.  I have fought most of my life. So I look for peaceful resolutions, where sometimes I walk away.  

But warn your children your grand babies.  The kid next door.  The harvest does not have to be huge.  It can be one soul at a time.  

You can be someone who just might say one word, but get them on the path to Jesus.  Friends, don’t let friends go into darkness.  If you see it, as a Christian, that red flag should pop up.

This is why I write.  Because if I can spare someone, heartache, or even the wrath of God, then I am doing a good thing.  

Yes we pray for a harvest of souls for Christ. But you can be a laborer.  Do it, get bold, get courageous, and save a soul.  God will bless you…  I know. 


Blessings, and love, Elena Ramirez 


img_2378DO YOU STUDY YOURSELF TO BE APPROVED UNTO GOD? ~ By Christian Author Elena Ramirez

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.  II Timothy 2:15.  

Do you study yourself to be approved unto God?  I know I do, and even now, I am reminded to do so.  How can I teach or give advice, when I myself, am so in need of rightly dividing the truth, and also understanding of Gods holy word.  Each word?  

But, this is why I love the King James.  When I first received Christ, as a young child, this verse, was written in the Bible I was given.  I always took it to heart.  From a King James bible. 

I do try to know Gods word.  But I falter sometimes, yet as I look at this verse in its entirety, I want to discern it further.  

Do I study myself to be approved unto God.  Yes, I study the word of God.  But do I study myself?  Do I look at myself?  Do I see my own errors?  Do I expect someone else to do something, but I myself I do not do?  

Yes, we do need to study ourselves.  We do need to see the error of our own ways.  We have to.  Or we just don’t grow.

Am I a workman, that needs not be ashamed?  If I am not doing what I should according to Gods holy word, if I am not correcting myself, yes there is shame.  

And shame is good, if you make the corrections.  If you extend yourself, to God, and are humble, and repentant.  To ask for forgiveness, or to apologize to God, and others.  

But not, if you or I don’t do anything about it….

Did you know being repentant, also means forgiving.  But if you are forgiven, that does not mean you do not have a responsibility to be accountable, and to ask for forgiveness.  Which could also mean apologizing.

Don’t just assume, because you are forgiven, you are off the hook.  No.  You have a responsibility to make it right, in whatever it is.  You don’t keep doing the same thing, because you once were forgiven in a matter.  

Grace is wonderful, but grace does not correct you, if you do not take it to heart.  

This is where studying ourselves, comes into view.  Studying what God says, they go hand in hand, with this scripture.  As we study ourselves, and we study what God says.  This is where the Holy spirit, will convict us.  But do not grieve the Holy Spirit.  

The goal is not to be ashamed.  Never take for granted what Christ did for you.

The goal, is to rightly divide the word of truth.  From a King James. And again, Gods truth, not some publisher, or money grabber, who would distort the truth, or the word of God.  Holiness, in word, is so important.  You don’t get the same meaning from these distorted and corrupted Bibles.  Just what the enemy ordered.  To stop you.  

Friend, all I know, is that especially in these times, we need to grow.  We need to change.  We need to disciple ourselves in Christ.   We need God more then ever.

There is a lost world out there.  And you could do so much, if you yes, would study Gods word, and yourself.   

But we do have a responsibility.  I am going to always give you straight talk.  Yes, I will try and be gracious.  Yes, I will use love.  But I will not water down word, nor will I deny truth, or not call something for what it is.

Truth is the only thing we have to guide us.  And it must be Gods truth.   

If its not according to Gods word.  You see, I have to study myself.  I have a heart for God, to divide the truth, so I am not ashamed.  And I pray, I rightly divide the truth, so it can be imparted to you as well.  

But you have that same responsibility.  For God is watching, and God sees, our faults, our growth, our attempts.  

Lets be on the same page with God.  

Will you attempt to study yourself?  And Gods word?  Its your responsibility.  

Blessings, and love, Elena Ramirez 


THIS IS WHY MANY ARE IN STRIFE ~ By Christian Author Elena Ramirez

By Christian Author Elena Ramirez

I want to look at this from a different approach. From the point of strife. When I write anything, I have to apply it to myself, as well.

I grew up in strife in many ways. In my own little home, with my mama, and just in my youth, I grew up fighting. And I have had to learn by the grace of God, the difference between actually defending myself, and the difference between not having peace in a situation, and why there was no peace sometimes, even in a household.

I had to learn if I am going to fight it is to bring truth, to bring light, into darkness. To be courageous even in battles that are overwhelming. But that the battle is the Lords.

Jesus does something to us, and for us, when we seek Him. Yes sometimes, there are battles. But are they battles, we are starting, because of this? Because when there is envy and strife. Because it does bring a spirit of confusion, and the enemy has his hand in it.

I have talked about this before, but remember when it started. Remember when the devil was jealous of God, in the Kingdom of God, in heaven. Remember how God did not put up with it.

Folks, we are called to submit to God, resist the devil, and he will flee. Surrendering to God, means you surrender that desire to be jealous. It means you surrender yourself to love, to walk in peace.

It means, be happy for people if they are blessed. Don’t compare yourself to anybody. You are created in the image of God, and I have had to remind myself of that, in so many ways.

Sometimes we need reinforcement, we need reminders of who we are, in Christ, or we can go off wandering, to a place that the enemy will speak to you, and you believe it. People will not always tell you that, but you have to let God tell you who you are, through your scars, your pain, and things that have let you down. I let Him tell me who I am by my King James Bible.

If not….Its the enemy….trying to get you to a place of envy and strife. To bring that confusion and evil work. Telling you, that your not good enough. Telling you, that person, is high and mighty, and this or that. And it annoys you. And when it annoys you, something comes out.

That even though, you may want the best, you don’t allow it. Because that envy and strife is there, and it causes an evil work to be done.

Repentance, always clears the slate. Humbling ourselves in the sight of a pure, a holy God reminds us of our own shortcomings, but that He can change us. Work on that. And bless others, walk in love.

Have a blessed day, Elena Ramirez~Just My Thoughts~Christian Author & Inspirational Speaker


Also check out my FB page, like it for updates, you might not otherwise get. I am not accepting friend requests, but you may “like” my page for my writings.

Plz consider me to speak at your church function, ladies group, etc.

Please note: Due to recent circumstances, where my copyrights were removed from one of my photos. And reposted. I ask that you respectively, keep all thoughts, and copyrights in tact. You may share my posts. In fact that would be a blessing as I try to do the work of the Lord. But I do appreciate the considerations to not remove my copyrights. Or to share the photo separately. Discarding my thoughts. This is my ministry, this is what I am doing for our Lord. And they need to be together when shared.

IS COMPETING SPIRITUALLY HEALTHY ~ By Christian Author Elena Ramirez

By Christian author Elena Ramirez

I like looking at characteristics of the things we do, and mostly what God does. He is the greatest example to me. To make me think, to make me understand, to grow. I love my King James bible for that tool.

And so I look at what many do, in the world, and sadly in the body of Christ, and that is they compete.

And I want to break this down, a little bit, because competing, can begin with comparing someone.

As my scripture example:


It says here, it is not wise to compare. Looking at others attributes, or looking at their accomplishments, or just looking at their pace in life.

And by comparing someone, one can become “jealous.” By competing…. And where does that come from? All the way back to your own recollection of what happened, in our King James bible, but with God and the devil, and the devil, got jealous, and wanted to lift himself up, with pride.

So God kicked him out of heaven. He was not going to put up with that. Because He is God, and there is none else. He did all the work, He created heaven, and earth. He did it all! He deserved, the glory, honor and praise. And that irked the devil, and then began the competition.

But all I know, that I know, God does not promote jealousy, and in the body of Christ, and in His Kingdom.

Even on this earth…… for the souls of the world. For it began with Adam and Eve, the devil deceived them, to bring the curse. To try and make God look like he was a liar. For when he said, you will not die, if you eat the fruit. That was a lie. Don’t believe the lie to compete. Especially with another brother and sister in Christ.

So I want us to look at this spiritually. I want us to look at the tools the enemy can use. And competing, can bring out something that is not of God.

Some think competing, is healthy. That it can bring out the best in both people, in fact someone just told me that. And as I told this person, this was not a judgment call, nor was it about comparing this to anyone in particular. I just had a thought on it. The timing, was coincidental. Or is it? So I am trying to respectively understand, the reasoning.

But since, I am not a competitive person. In fact, when someone is blessed in a matter of any gift or calling. I try, to be happy for them. I try, to endorse them. I try, to help them in any way I can, especially, if it is the work of the Lord. I never want to be competing with a brother or a sister in Christ. Because I see how jealousy can divide. As it was in Gods Kingdom.

By nature, I want to be careful in this matter. In all aspects of my life. I don’t hate you. I am not a hater…..Or am I jealous of you, if you have something I do not. I don’t want to covet, something that belongs to you…which is another sin.

And I do not come from a place of competing. You see, I did not have brothers and sisters, to sharpen me, in any way. I had to learn on my own. I had to seek God, and He had to do something with me. So I never had that sense of wanting to compete for anything. I just want to be thankful to God to be honest. Because I was not gifted in many ways, that so many are, and they don’t even thank God, or use their gifts for His glory.

And in the body of Christ, with my brothers and sisters in Christ, I recognize, we all have different, gifts and callings, that we need to develop, one on one with Christ.

I realize even in the matter of writing, which many of us do here on FB, or in other social medial outlets. That some may in ministry, may compete. Comparing what they do for the Lord, with someone else, and even mentioning it, to another brother or sister in Christ, is somewhat odd to me. But it happens.

I know we all can compare ourselves to one another. But keep your spiritual eye on it. I want you to be careful to know, that this can lead to jealousy. Jealousy, is not healthy if it comes from the spiritual characteristic of the enemy. The devil. So to be competing, with another brother and sister in Christ, in my view, is not healthy.

In the world, we will find those that will compete. We will find those that hurt others, to stop them from fulfilling, their goal in whatever. Because it is no longer about competing. Its about taking control, and lifting one up, with pride. The coveting again….To take over. Just like the devil tried to do in heaven. But God would not put up with it.

So I bring this thought up, to see, to do a spiritual check, a gut check. Do you compare yourself to someone else? And is that spirit of jealousy is it there?

What is your competing based on?

My friend, go to the throne of God. Repent. Be thankful for your friend, be thankful your friend, wants to serve God. Be thankful, you have gifts and callings, God is just waiting to increase. But never get jealous. Know where that comes from, for it does not come from God. If you see that green eyed monster, run to God, don’t learn from it. Don’t embrace that monster.

Let us all be careful to love each other. Accepting each other. We as Christians are on the vine with Christ. Yes we want to grow, but not at the expense of wanting to hurt, or deny a brother or sister even help.

Or even deny the work of the Kingdom of God. His holy goal. Because it began with comparing, competing, and then of jealousy.

Remember God sees our heart…..So if you have something to do, just do it.  I got my thing to do as well.  And its for His glory….

Blessings, and love, Elena Ramirez~Just My Thoughts~Christian Author & Inspirational Speaker

Also check out my FB page, like it for updates, you might not otherwise get.
Plz consider me to speak at your church function, ladies group, etc.

Please note: Due to recent circumstances, where my copyrights were removed from one of my photos. And reposted. I ask that you respectively, keep all thoughts, and copyrights in tact. You may share my posts. In fact that would be a blessing as I try to do the work of the Lord. But I do appreciate the considerations to not remove my copyrights. Or to share the photo separately. Discarding my thoughts. This is my ministry, this is what I am doing for our Lord. And they need to be together when shared.

IN CHRIST KEEP YOUR HEART ~ By Christian Author Elena Ramirez

~ By Christian author Elena Ramirez

Hearts are a very fragile thing indeed. They can be broken, they can be bruised, and they can get hard, with life.

A hard heart, is hard to reach. It thinks what it wants to think, it is not moved with compassion. It wants to be hard. It does not want to yield, with love. It wants what it wants, and really does not care about others, or the circumstances. Or what God thinks….

A bruised heart, I think can grow hard, if its not dealt with. If it does not go to the throne of God, and cry out, and ask for healing, for the hurt, the pain, that perhaps it received from someone. Or life.

A broken heart, can be mended, but it has to be ever so careful with the pieces it is left with….. And must let Christ do the mending.

I have had all three, a hard heart, a bruised heart, and a broken heart.

And I have learned to guard my heart now. To see what direction my emotions are going. To learn not to give my heart away so easily. As I used to.

Yes I love, I am commanded to love. And I pray that flow never stops. Yet love, has to be holy in Christ. He is the greatest example of love. We are not to have fellowship with darkness, for it will blind a heart. Sin does that. When sin is there, it will cause decisions to be made that are not of Christ, and the fruit will produce a rottenness of the heart.

Sometimes, you just have to see, what your heart is based on, and you really have to check it out, and determine, in your mind, before it goes to your heart, why am I feeling this way.

How can it be rectified, so it pleases God. And yes pray, for a heart, is a very tender thing. Your heart is precious to God. Let Him heal your heart, for by His stripes we are healed.

Out of it, come the issues of life…..

Just a thought this morning, as I check my own heart….

Blessings, and love, Elena Ramirez~Just My Thoughts~Christian Author & Inspirational Speaker

Also check out my FB page, like it for updates, you might not otherwise get.
Plz consider me to speak at your church function, ladies group, etc.

Please note: Due to recent circumstances, where my copyrights were removed from one of my photos. And reposted. I ask that you respectively, keep all thoughts, and copyrights in tact. You may share my posts. In fact that would be a blessing as I try to do the work of the Lord. But I do appreciate the considerations to not remove my copyrights. Or to share the photo separately. Discarding my thoughts. This is my ministry, this is what I am doing for our Lord. And they need to be together when shared.

THE WORDS WE SPEAK DEFILE US ~ By Christian Author Elena Ramirez


This is a very profound scripture. For it tells us that the words we speak, come from our heart. And they “defile” us. Defile is not a word we hear of often in our English language.

I looked up that word just to have more clarity. And it states: “To make dirty, to violate the chastity and honor of something. To dishonor.

Just something the enemy of God would love to do to each one of us. He wants us to be ‘defiled.” So we have to be knowledgeable of Gods ways, and yes the enemies ways, and run to the throne when we see these characteristics.

Yesterday, I was reading a post, about psychopaths and I thought, if this person was relating it further to what scripture says, the characteristics of that, they would also have an “unclean” spirit. The only way a spirit can be cleaned is by going to Jesus, and repenting. And I am not a doctor, but I think we all can relate it to scripture.

When we speak, if we cannot control our words, our tempers, to profane and cuss in the sight of God, and others, we defile ourselves.

This is scriptural. It is truth…..

Something does change in us, when we totally submit to God. A cleansing. It does begin with repentance.

I know, I used to cuss like there was no tomorrow. We somehow accept it in others, and society. But, when I began getting closer to God, I actually stopped it, and when people would cuss, I would ask them not to do so. I had a boss who did that, and when I told her that, I could not have a conversation with that kind of language, in a professional place, she respected me so much that she had a change of heart herself. So we can influence each other.

And this is what God is trying to show us, whats in our Hearts? For He sees and knows us more then we know ourselves. This scripture is showing us. Words, can defile us.

I had to go to the throne of God to ask Him to change me. To cleanse me, to guide me.

I am careful with my words, there are many scriptures that tell us the power we have in them. Proverbs 18:21 tells us we have power of life and death in our tongue, and we eat the fruit thereof. Read it from a KJV.

Do you want to eat the vulgarity of cuss words? I know you don’t. You don’t want to be defiled.

Just a thought this morning, in Christ.



Also check out my FB page, like it for updates, you might not otherwise get.

Plz consider me to speak at your church function, ladies group, etc.
