Originally it was meant for my Christian photography. But now I have found my artistic side. Where I will share and sell my paintings.

FAITH NEEDS YOUR PARTICIPATION ~ By Christian Author Elena Ramirez


Faith is such a beautiful thing to have, but you have your part in it. You see when life, challenges any of us, we have a choice. If that choice, is not totally committed, to believe in what God can do, we can lose faith.

Sin, can hinder our faith. Because we are not taking into consideration the spiritual implications of disobeying Father. We are not in fear of Him.

Something blinds us, when sin is present. We cannot see clearly. Or we would not sin to begin with.

We need to practice, what we believe, even in small matters.

Faith pleases God….

For me, it has been believing, even though, I have not seen progress, in my own life. The progress, that may come so easy to others. Yet, I know spiritually I have grown. By my King James Bible, and prayer, and just continuing on, what God has called me to do.

Theres a strength, that I know I have. I sharpen myself, by sharing with others, His truth, and by just holding onto God, a little tighter. How can one express that, but by only doing it?

Doing whatever it takes, because when you let go of God, you let go of faith. No, that is never the answer. It takes commitment, to have faith, to see God work.

He never changes. We do….

There are principles to having faith. I know it….

Blessings, and love,


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